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Handphone is one of technological developments. With the sophistication of today's technology, the mobile phone functions not only as a means of communication, but people can also access the internet, SMS, take pictures and send each other data. The impact of handpone probably not aware of that at all. Besides facilitating communication in a positive impact that humans get, there are also negative impacts that humans begin as a result of using a mobile phone or cell phone is.

Mobile at the moment is not only used by an adult. Now the kids were already many have cell phones with sophisticated mobile phone, which is not inferior to adults. So that the impact occurs not only for adults but also for children.

For example, children in addition to the mobile phone as a communication tool, the children evaluated chimed in trend alone. Many things to note from this phenomenon. Example is when viewed from a social perspective, the difference will be very noticeable among children from privileged families and are not financially in a community school. The use of mobile phones also assessed indirectly affect the social environment of children.

possession of cell phones by children related to psychological development, especially the development of social interaction and communication skills and the desire to be accepted in the interaction (popularity). Ego, creativity and environmental conditions (if your friends have cell phones) can trigger psychologically a child to have a cell phone.

Besides the negative impact of technological development hadphone also occur in adults include:

1.       Reduce the social nature of human beings, because they tend to prefer connecting through the Internet, rather than meet in person (face to face).
2.      From the nature of social change can lead to changes in patterns of interaction. Humans become lazy to socialize with friends and environment. With facilities owned by HP, then the era of sophisticated, modern everything can be done sitting in place without the need to move from his chair and left the activity. From the pulse filling, transfer money, book tickets, shop, order food to be done without a trace. It would be easier, but people do not care about the social sense.
As an example, we can see the movie Wall-e. films with defining the future Almighty that all forms of activities performed digitally. Ranging from dining, shopping, bathing is done by a computer system so that humans do not need to move or walk and sit in a chair all just ran. Therefore, people become lazy and because only focused on the use of technology alone, even though they also forgot to socialize with org around was so seduced by the pleasures of technology.

The development of mobile phones now also be interesting to see because of the convergence of technologies that are already happening suggests that the progress of communication technology today, information has no limits. It is difficult for us today to distinguish where in the category of mobile phones, computer category, the category of digital music players and digital cameras or video category digital.Tampaknya no clearer boundaries between the various technologies available in the market today, everything is becomes a unit and collected in a variety of functions perangkatJika compared with the development of mobile phone technology past is not evolving rapidly today. can be seen from the old handphone models Desai is very simple and is simple, more likely, unlike today, many cell phone models in the form of unique and great. In the past mobile phone screen can be a color or a little. His touch is pollyphonic. You can not use songs as ringtones sambung.Dan the development of the industry's most advanced mobile phone, the phenomenon can be seen seen as more mobile devices are filled with various multimedia features, and even some models can now be a function of a Computer with a computing speed equivalent when computers were first used for mass konsumen.di between the development of these technologies is a matter of design. The design of the phone design nowadays thousands of types, from simple as a cell phone simple to tercanggih.Contohnya only for mobile phones today, many ang been completed by teknoogi sophistication, such as MMS, 3G, GPRS, touch ujuga increasingly sophisticated (can use MP3 as a ringtone), screen colors more and more, and present a dial tone bia phone use, according to what we want.

·        MMS: as a normal text message, but sending them via MMS messages and images.
·  3G phone with the speaker, but it can be done in person. (And now more sophisticated cell phones equipped 3.5G and 4G).
· GPRS to the Internet, open e-mail.
With the development of mobile phone technology is advancing more and help people make pers in all activities, because the phone can be considered as a person indenditas.

Now, the development of mobile phone technology is promising when viewed from the business world. They use their creative ideas by simply removing a lot of capital but can generate maximum profits banyaknya.Seperti now know is a lot of games that can be downloaded for a hp us easily. Only by sending sms live for about $ 2000 a game that can get what we want. Or songs recently to be a ringtone.

And now we are also able to download pictures actress, get sms from our favorite artists by simply sending SMS only. Not just for entertainment we can get information or news by subscribing then each day the provider will send the latest news we want. adannya so with this deal, as happened a symbiotic mutualism between mobile users with providers spend chapters with approximately 2000'll also get the information they want, such as celebrities, news, education for prediction so that both parties get their benefits each. But not all providers to be honest, because sometimes even decided not to continue subscribed yet, but they keep cutting the wrist. So, we as consumen must be smart to choose.

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